Sunday, 7 March 2010

Stop the World And Let Me Off

I love Waylon's Stop the World And Let Me Off and found a great recent version by the Dwightster on youTube. Check it out, from Dwight's gig at Houston's Arena Theater on 21st November, 2009.

Ricky Nelson did it in the mid 60's as well, and while it ain't as good as Waylon's it's well worth a listen.

The clip below shows James Intveld, from the Beachland Tavern in Cleveland on August 12th, 2008. It goes without saying that he nails it.

And lest we forget, here's ol' Waylon himself.


  1. And let's not forget Ms Patsy Cline's 57 version

  2. Yeah I was gonna do little ol Patsy, but couldn't be arsed in the end. I'll add it later Flip.
